Karen VanHouten swings by the podcast to share thoughts on how to achieve fulfillment – for ourselves, our teams and the environment we design for them to thrive. Also, more reasons why silos and elite cliques are never a good thing.
Welcome to the practical design leadership podcast!
Welcome to the practical design leadership podcast!
International design leaders Jaan Orvet and Justin Dauer talk openly and frankly with designers from around the world who have made design leadership a success for practitioners and clients alike. It's all about practical design leadership.
Subscribe to 'Dauer & Orvet' to grow your career by learning practical design leadership from the individuals and ideas shaping the evolution of both design and business.
Subscribe to 'Dauer & Orvet' to grow your career by learning practical design leadership from the individuals and ideas shaping the evolution of both design and business.
Music Nbhd Nick / Inside Out (Instrumental Version) / courtesy of Epidemic Sound