International design leaders Jaan Orvet and Justin Dauer talk openly and frankly with designers from around the world who have made design leadership a success for practitioners and clients alike. It's all about practical design leadership.
Latest Episodes
Ethan Marcotte coined the term "responsive web design". Now he is back in the spotlight with a new book, "You Deserve a Tech Union". With mass layoffs in tech business...

Speaking (special episode)
A special episode with Justin and Jaan (no guest) about speaking at events. Recorded by the ocean in Venice Beach, California during Los Angeles Design Week. What does...

Margaret Lee has a storied career in design leadership across groundbreaking brands like CNET, Yahoo, TiVo, and Google. Now, as an Executive and Leadership Coach for D...

Design leader Ryo Sampei, the accidental but highly successful Japanese community organiser, shares his insights on what it takes to build a professional community. An...

Karen VanHouten swings by the podcast to share thoughts on how to achieve fulfillment – for ourselves, our teams and the environment we design for them to thrive. Also...